Thursday 11 July 2013

One night stand...

Well this memory was in year six, in a place called 'Robin Activity Centre'. It is one of those school trips that happens in basically every school, and if not, we feel sorry for you, because this is one of the best trips you will ever go on. Anyway, this is how it began....

Okay, so we were divided into dorms, and our dorm happened to be made up of nine people, two rooms and one bathroom that connected the two. Stevie and I were in the bigger room, the one closer to the main door, and I was tossed into a bottom bunk with Stevie in the top.

Once we had gone through our daily activities, it was time to go into bed. We got ready, chatted for a bit and then were forced to turn the light off by the teacher.
That was when it got weird.

AND the teacher didn't shut the door properly. It was like minus five degrees, and after an hour or so we stopped hearing noises from the girls next door. We just presumed that they had frozen to death.
And THEN...
A quiet girl who had never talked to any of us before (in fact, I'm not even sure she went to the same school as us....) burst into action!

We don't know why the girl was put into our dorm, to be honest some of us didn't even know that she went to our school. But, she has definitely never left my memory since that night.

But the moment those lights went out, the moment the temperature dropped, she burst out of her bed (which was very impressive as she was in a top bunk in the corner of the room) and began a strange, wild dance that looked like some strange satanic ritual performed in the dark. Everyone was stunned.

I know this is hard to believe, but every word we say is true. It has scarred me for life. Anyway, after her weird dance, she started calling herself strange names...
One of them was 'Gorilla', and she started banging her hands to her chest...I think at that point I may have cried.

What we actually felt we were looking at!

It was one of those moments where you actually feel guilty for watching, but yet you can't seem to look away...
She stopped dead in her tracks,
Her hands frozen in the air, a mad glint in her eye as she began to creep slowly towards my bunk.
Then, suddenly, she did a U-turn, throwing herself at the window and then hurling herself back into bed.

Everything went silent. Everyone was so confused and also quite scared. Then, out of nowhere, a sound came from her mouth whispering, "It was a dare". We all looked around at each other, seeing who on earth dared her to do that. Then the door opened.

The girl let out a chuckle, a tiny burst of laughter that was so quiet but so disturbing. 
Just as she did, a man stormed through the open door, shouting in anger- the girl let out a hysterical scream, and then burst into fits of giggles. The rest of us were totally shaken- I think I heard someone praying to herself.
But it turned out that the man with long greasy dreadlocks- who we all assumed was some crazed axe murderer who was summoned by the girl- was actually a nightstaff member who had come into our room to investigate the incredibly strange noises made by the dancing stranger.
Now you can see why we were terrified.

To be honest, we had all kind of expected that guy to come in because if they hadn't heard those terrible noises, then that guy was a terrible night supervisor. Anyway, that guy also scared the living daylights out of everybody, because a tall scary figure bursting into your room after a weird ritual has been performed tends to be kinda scary. 
Anyway, he left and we never really heard that girl speak again.


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